Education and truth: an oedipal analysis from michel foucault
Education, Parresia, Philosophy, trueAbstract
This Scientific Initiation research has a qualitative, theoretical and reflective approach. It aimed to develop an analysis of part of the work of Michel Foucault, having as its main foundation, The truth and juridical forms. The work is composed of five lectures that introduce a Foucauldian vision of Truth. In particular, the second conference is investigated, in which he develops the myth of Oedipus, far from the psychoanalytic view, but which approaches the issue of power. The starting point of this article is about Education, knowledge and truth, that is, parrhesía from the idea of paidéia. This article is developed in three sections. The first section deals with paideia, Greek education, in which the contrast between the two Greek poets, Homer and Hesiod, is focused on the conceptions of character and virtuosity among the Greeks, that is, areté. However, the virtue of parrhesía is also treated. In the second section, there are the Greek legal techniques, in which the production of truth is sought, through the unfolding of the myth of Oedipus. The third section deals with parrhesía, a moment in which Foucault's other lectures, which were held at the University of California, Berkeley, are introduced. Education and truth in those times of Paidéia were complements of Areté. It is known that the truth in the West has undergone several transformations. However, throughout this work, it is believed that parrhesía has founding traits that can be valuable in our contemporaneity.
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