Anatomy; abdominal aorta; arteries; grab eating fox; canidsAbstract
Inconceivable that in the 21st century, veterinary extrapolate knowledge of domestic animal anatomy to wild animals, neglecting the patient, especially in the face of the increasing number of professionals claiming to be wild animal specialists. Thus, we mapped the abdominal splanchnic arterial vasculature of Cerdocyon thous, with the aim of contributing to professionals who work directly with wild animal surgery. In specimens whose arterial system was evidenced by stained latex, we identified anatomical variations when compared to other species. The jejunal arteries issued nine branches, and the caudal abdominal phrenic and cranial arteries arose from the common trunk of the abdominal aorta. The cranial abdominal artery was bifurcated and inserted into the cranial pole of the left kidney, while the left renal artery was bifurcated in one specimen; in another specimen, the left renal artery was double and penetrated the renal pelvis. One specimen had the right kidney more caudally in relation to the left kidney, similar to the corresponding renal artery. The left renal artery originated from the left adrenal artery, and the right internal iliac artery was bifurcated. Given these findings, such knowledge is crucial in the clinical and surgical care of this species, as it will allow for the greatest success of the professionals involved.
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